ProEXR File Description
cameraAperture (float): 36.000004
cameraFNumber (float): 8.000000
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cameraFarRange (float): 1000.000000
cameraFocalLength (float): 50.000000
cameraFov (float): 45.347019
cameraNearClip (float): 4.500000
cameraNearRange (float): 0.000000
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 10.117502
cameraTransform (m44f)
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip16
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 6377, 3897]
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lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1.000000
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0.000000, 0.000000]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1.000000
A (half)
B (half)
G (half)
MM 1-2-3.B (half)
MM 1-2-3.G (half)
MM 1-2-3.R (half)
MM 10-11-12.B (half)
MM 10-11-12.G (half)
MM 10-11-12.R (half)
MM 13-14-15.B (half)
MM 13-14-15.G (half)
MM 13-14-15.R (half)
MM 16-17-18.B (half)
MM 16-17-18.G (half)
MM 16-17-18.R (half)
MM 19-20-21.B (half)
MM 19-20-21.G (half)
MM 19-20-21.R (half)
MM 22.B (half)
MM 22.G (half)
MM 22.R (half)
MM 4-5-6.B (half)
MM 4-5-6.G (half)
MM 4-5-6.R (half)
MM 7-8-9.B (half)
MM 7-8-9.G (half)
MM 7-8-9.R (half)
R (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.B (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.G (half)
VRayGlobalIllumination.R (half)
VRayLighting.B (half)
VRayLighting.G (half)
VRayLighting.R (half)
VRayOcclusion.B (half)
VRayOcclusion.G (half)
VRayOcclusion.R (half)
VRayRawReflection.B (half)
VRayRawReflection.G (half)
VRayRawReflection.R (half)
VRayReflection.B (half)
VRayReflection.G (half)
VRayReflection.R (half)
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VRayRefraction.G (half)
VRayRefraction.R (half)
VRaySelfIllumination.B (half)
VRaySelfIllumination.G (half)
VRaySelfIllumination.R (half)
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VRaySpecular.G (half)
VRaySpecular.R (half)
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VRayWireColor.G (half)
VRayWireColor.R (half)
Z (half)

Hall in a modern style with light walls and light tiles on the floor. On the right there is a beige sofa on a carpet, black armchair behind the sofa, glass fireplace with black chimney. On the right of the chimney there are firewoods with fireplace pokers, brown shelves with decorative figures. At the end on the right there is a table with chairs, brown windows with blinds and a glass brown door. On the left there is a wooden wall and a wall with square light panels and wooden niches. In the niches there are decorative figures and books.